EN ISO 12100:机械安全 EN ISO 13857:机械的安全 EN 1088:机械安全 EN 415-1
A类标准:EN ISO 12100:机械安全基本设计原则 - 风险评估及降低风险;。
B类标准:EN ISO 13857:机械的安全-防止上肢及下肢伸及危险区域之安全距离;
EN ISO 4413:液压系统-液压系统及液压元件的一般要求及安全规范;
EN ISO 4414:气动系统 - 液压系统及液压元件的一般要求及安全规范;
EN 1088:机械安全 - 装配在防护罩上的互锁装置 - 设计的一般原理及选择方法;
EN 953:机械安全 - 固定式及移动式防护罩的设计及构造的通用要求;
EN 60204-1:机械安全 - 机械电气设备 - 第1部分:通用要求。
C类标准:EN 201:塑料橡胶机械 - 注塑机的安全要求;
EN 415-1:包装机械的安全 - 第1部分:包装机械和相关设备的术语和分类;
EN 415-5:包装机械的安全 - 第5部分:打包机;
EN 474-1:土方机械 - 基本安全要求;
EN 692:机床 - 机械式冲床的安全;
EN 693:机床 - 液压冲床的安全;
EN 860:木工机械 - 单面刨;
EN 869:机械安全 - 金属压铸机;
EN 1493:汽车举升机;
EN 12417:机床 - 加工中心的安全要求;
EN 12717:机床安全 - 钻床;
B1类标准 针对特定安全情况(例如:安全距离、表面温度、噪音)
B2类标准 针对相关安全设施(例如:双手控制、联锁装置、压力感应装置、防护罩)
C类标准在此三类标准中权限,即同一机械如果同时采用A、B、C三类标准,C类标准的要求拥有优先权。C类标准通常也叫做产品标准,例如:EN 201 - 注塑机的安全要求,该标准针对注塑机类产品可能出现的所有风险都给出了详细具体的要求,基本上包含或引用了该类产品涉及到的A类和B类标准的要求。
EN ISO 12100, EN ISO 13857, EN 1088 and EN 415-1 are a set of standards that deal with mechanical safety in the manufacturing industry. These standards provide guidelines for designing, manufacturing and testing machinery to ensure the safety of the people who operate them, as well as those in the surrounding areas.
If you are in charge of machinery and equipment within your organization, it is important to understand the importance of these standards and implement them in your processes. The consequences of ignoring these standards can be severe, including injuries or death, legal consequences, and reputational damage.
To help ensure compliance with these standards, there are a variety of services available that can assist your organization. Here are three key services that are available to help you:
Service 1: Compliance Check
The first service that is available is a compliance check. This service involves a thorough review of your machinery and equipment to ensure that it meets the requirements outlined in the relevant standards, such as EN ISO 12100, EN ISO 13857, EN 1088, and EN 415-1. Any areas of non-compliance will be identified, and recommendations will be provided on how to bring your machinery up to standard.
This service can be incredibly valuable for organizations that are unsure of their current level of compliance, or who are looking to identify potential issues before they become major problems.
Service 2: Rectification
The second service that is available is rectification. If your machinery has been identified as non-compliant, it is important to take action to rectify the issues as quickly as possible. This service involves identifying the areas of non-compliance and implementing solutions to bring your machinery up to standard.
This service can be particularly valuable for organizations that are facing legal consequences or reputational damage due to non-compliant machinery, as it provides a clear path forward for rectifying the issues.
Service 3: Fixed Fee
The third service that is available is a fixed fee. This service provides a clear and transparent pricing structure for compliance checks and rectification services. It ensures that you know exactly what you will be paying upfront, which can provide peace of mind and make it easier to budget for the services that you need.
In conclusion, EN ISO 12100, EN ISO 13857, EN 1088, and EN 415-1 are important standards that help ensure the safety of machinery and equipment in the manufacturing industry. By taking advantage of compliance checks, rectification services, and fixed fees, you can help ensure that your machinery is compliant with these standards and safe for the people who operate it.
- 地址:深圳市龙华区龙华街道富康社区东环一路100号良基大厦101C04
- 电话:13828872873
- 经理:小乐老师
- 手机:13828872873
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- QQ:572866819
- Email:572866819@qq.com