Maximum output voltage test 输出电压试验
Power input test 功率输入试验
Temperature test 高低温试验
Dielecteic voltage-withstand test 介电耐压试验
Abnormal test 故障试验
Resistance to crushing test 抗压碎试验
Strain relief test 应变消除试验
Push-back relief test 阻力缓解试验
Company name
Seller/Vendor ID
Email address
Phone number
A list of ASINs you are applying to sell
A document confirming that your product was tested according to thestandard listed in the following table by a laboratory that iscertified to the ILAC ISstandard:
Product Certification Requirement
Laptop Battery UL 2054 or UL 1642
Cellular Phone Replacement Battery UL 2054 or UL 1642
Laptop Charger and Power Adapter UL 60950-1
Cellular Phone Wall Charger UL 60950-1
Cellular Phone Car Charger UL 2089
The sale of all cellular phone chargers, and laptop computerbatteries and chargers on the Amazon website must meet specifiedcertification standards. Note that Amazon may remove your sellingprivileges for failing to meet these standards. To sell theseproducts on Amazon.
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